The thing which is not: two artists, two poems

FEBRUARY 18 - APRIL 6, 2024

Emerson Dorsch is pleased to present The thing which is not, an exhibition that brings together two artists and two poems. Recently naturalized as a US citizen, Cuban American painter Ernesto Gutiérrez Moya’s fountain and garden paintings surround North American sculptor Shauna Fahley’s ceramic nearly life-sized horses. References to two poems, “Si Ves un Monte de Espumas” by Cuba’s revolutionary-poet José Martí and “Defiance” by North American poet Carl Phillips are also in the gallery. We invite visitors to contemplate these poems while considering the artists in the exhibition. Two tiers of writing, this exhibition statement and a catalog-length essay, by curator Tyler Emerson-Dorsch will explore these emerging artists’ projects in more depth and the research that brought them together here.